Computer Science
BS in Computer Engineering, Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
Application security consultant and trainer for various organizations
Digital Forensics
Algorithm Analysis and Design
Fundamentals of Programming
Data Structures and Algorithms
Software Engineering
Operating Systems
Software self-healing
Source code analysis
Muhammad Nadeem joined computer science department of Habib University as assistant professor. He holds doctorate degree in Computer Science from Mississippi State University, United States. His field of specialization is Software Engineering with specific focus on Software Security. He is Fulbright alumnus and have been honored with Best University Teacher Award by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
He has presented his research on software security in several international ACM and IEEE conferences in United States. He is also author of five international journal articles. He is professional member of IEEE (membership no. 92191303) and ACM (7764040). He is also reviewer for two international conferences i.e., ACM SIGCSE and IEEE TALE. He has served as member organizing committee for IEEE ICE Cube Conference.
He has successfully completed year long program on “Preparing Future Faculty” organized by Mississippi State University and IEEE Smart Tech Metro Area Workshop on “Secure Software Development” organized by IEEE Atlanta along with several other professional trainings and workshops.
His skills include software development, software design, automated static code analysis, vulnerability identification, and mitigation of vulnerabilities based on industry best practices. He has been leading in-house software development team in public sector organization. He has also been rendering consultancy services in implantation of Oracle and PeopleSoft products in different organizations in Pakistan. He has also rendered services in academia, including teaching in United States, and has held different administrative positions.
He is HEC approved supervisor for MS and Ph.D., four students have successfully completed their theses under his supervision, whereas he is currently supervising five more.
Selected Awards and Accomplishments
- Best University Teacher Award by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
- Nominated for Best Teaching Assistant Award by Mississippi State University
- Attended ‘Preparing Future Faculty’ program at Mississippi State University
- Designed and delivered state-of-the-art application security training to various organizations.
- Provide application security and source code review consultancy to various organizations.
- Fulbright alumnus and member of Fulbright application review panel
- Professional Member IEEE (92191303), member ACM (7764040)
Selected Publications
- M. Alenezi, M. Nadeem, Raja Asif, “SQL Injection Attacks Countermeasures Assessments”,
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 1121-1131,
Sep. 2020. [http://doi.org/10.11591/ijeecs.v21.i2.pp1121-1131] - A. Shahab, M. Alenezi, M. Nadeem, Raja Asif, “An automated approach to fix buffer overflows”,
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 3778-3788,
Feb. 2020. [http://doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v10i4.pp3777-3787] - S. U. Muneer, M. Nadeem, and B. Kasi, “Comparison of modern techniques for analyzing NFRs in
agile: A systematic literature review”, The Journal of Software Engineering Practice, Vol. 3, no. 3,
pp. 1-12, Sep. 2019. [http://www.jsep.info/index.php/jsep/article/view/12] - H. Ashraf, M. Alenezi, M. Nadeem, and Y. Javid, “Security assessment framework for educational
ERP systems”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 9, No. 6,
pp. 5570-5585, Dec. 2019. - A. Jaffar, M. Nadeem, M. Alenezi, and Y. Javed, “Using Public Vulnerabilities Data to Self-heal
Software Systems”, ICIC Express Letters – An International Journal of Research and Surveys, vol. 13,
no. 7, July 2019, pp. 557-568. [http://doi.org/10.24507/icicel.13.07.557] - B. Haq, M. Nadeem, I. Ali, K. Ali, M. Raza, and M. U. Rehman, “Use of Expert System in
Requirements Engineering Process: A Systematic Literature Review”, In Proceedings: 2019 UK/
China Emerging Technologies (UCET), Aug. 2019, pp. 1-5, Glasgow, United Kingdom. - M. Nadeem, B. J. Williams, E. B. Allen, and G. L. Bradshaw, “Human Subject Evaluation of
Computer–Security Training Recommender,” in Proceedings: 40th IEEE International Computer
Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). Atlanta, GA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, Jun.
2016, pp. 251-256. - M. Nadeem, E. B. Allen, and B. J. Williams, “A method for recommending computer-security
training for software developers: Leveraging the power of static analysis techniques and
vulnerability repositories,” in Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Information
Technology New Generations (ITNG). Las Vegas, NV, USA: IEEE Computer Society, Apr. 2015, pp.
534–539. - M. Nadeem, E. B. Allen, and B. J. Williams, “Computer security training recommender for
developers,” in Poster Proceedings: 8th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Foster City,
Silicon Valley, USA: ACM, Oct. 2014. - S. Muneer, M. Nadeem, and E. B. Allen, “Recommending training topics for developers based on
static analysis of security vulnerabilities,” in Proceedings: 52nd ACM Southeast Conference.
Kennesaw, GA, USA: ACM, Mar. 2014. - M. Nadeem, B. J. Williams, and E. B. Allen, “High False Positive Detection of Security Vulnerabilities:
A Case Study,” in Poster Proceedings: 50th ACM Southeast Conference. Tuscaloosa, AL, USA:
ACM, Mar. 2012.