Doctorate: Doctorate in Social History, USP, Brazil (2018-2023)
Thesis: Fringes of the Islamic Ecumene before the Worshippers of the Cross: the dilemmas of the Portuguese thalassocracy for Muslim societies around the Arabian Sea (1498-1538) - Master: Master’s Degree in Jewish and Arab Studies, USP, Brazil (2009-2013)
- Graduation: Bachelor’s Degree in History, UFSC, Brazil (2003-2008)
Teaching Experience
- High School Internship: Application School of Santa Catarina Federal University, 2007
- High School History Teacher: BIALIK/ALEF School, São Paulo, Brazil (2010-2013)
- Trainee: Program for Advancing Higher Education Teaching (PAE) at USP (2019-2021)
Lecturer: Outreach mini-courses at SCE-FFLCH, USP:
- “Os ‘Mouros’ na História: da formação do ‘Islã Ocidental’ a ‘questão moura’ na expansão ibérica (séculos VIII-XVII)”
- “O Islã na expansão ibérica (séculos VIII-XVII)” (2021)
Gabriel Soares is a historian with extensive academic and professional experience in social history and Arab studies. He completed his doctorate in social history at the University of São Paulo (USP), with a visiting scholarship at the University of Lisbon (ICS, ULISBOA). His academic journey began with a bachelor’s degree in history from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), followed by a master’s degree in Jewish and Arab studies at USP. Gabriel’s research has focused on the identities and trajectories of Palestinian immigrants in Santa Catarina, and he has contributed significantly to understanding the cultural intersections between South America and the Arab world. Beyond academia, he has worked with various NGOs, providing protective presence and monitoring human rights in conflict zones.
- Soares, G.M. ‘Los moros en el proyecto imperial manuelino: una investigación de la retórica en las cartas árabes al rey desde África Atlántica e Índica.’ In: Gallon, Florian (ed). Tractations et accommodements, CPIM Les cultures politiques dans la péninsule Ibérique et au Maghreb. Pessac: Ausonius Éditions, 2023. DOI: 10.34847/nkl.f2ceg06m
- Soares, G.M. ‘Arabic History writing in the context of Portuguese transgressions in the sixteenth-century Indian Ocean.’ Global Histories: A student journal. Volume 8, No. 1 (July 2022), pp. 5-25. DOI: 10.17169/GHSJ.2022.508
- Soares, G.M. ‘Senhorio dos mares e terras distantes: visões islâmicas dos primórdios do império português desde o Norte da África ao Sudeste Asiático (1498-1515).’ In: Jaber Filho, Hélio Elias; Gandia, Leonardo dos Reis; Moreno, Núbia Aguilar; Silva, Márcia Regina Barros da. Caderno de Resumos. II Seminário do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social: Linhas de Pesquisa 2022. FFLCH: São Paulo, 2020. pp. 132
- Soares, G.M. ‘O anti-prisma do império: o Islã frente ao projeto imperial manuelino de Portugal no Oriente (1498-1521).’ In: Pelegrinelli, André Luiz Marcondes; Bonaventura, Isabella; Moreira, Viviane Venancio (Orgs). Caderno de Resumos. Seminário do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social: Linhas de Pesquisa 2020. FFLCH: São Paulo, 2020. pp. 183
- Soares, G.M. ‘A imigração palestina em Santa Catarina.’ In: Anais do XXVI simpósio nacional da ANPUH – Associação Nacional de História. São Paulo: ANPUH-SP, 2011.
- Soares, G.M. ‘Trajetórias e Construções Identitárias de Palestinos em Santa Catarina.’ In: Anais do V EPOG: encontro dos pós-graduandos da faculdade de filosofia, letras e ciências humanas da Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo: ALAMEDA, 2010.