- MA in Comparative History: from 1500 to the Present Time, Central European University, Vienna, Austria (2020-2022).
- BA in Liberal Arts (Double Major in Philosophy and the History of Mathematics and Science, with Minors in Classics and Comparative Literature), St. John’s College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Teaching Experience
- Mathematics tutor, Berkeley Independent Study
- General high school tutor in math, science, writing, and college readiness at New Mexico Simon Scholars
- Teaching Assistant, Sophomore Music, St. John’s College Santa Fe
- USA Archery Level 2-National Training System Certified Coach
Courses Taught
- Humanities 101: Love and Desire
- Understanding Histories: Historiography and Historical Methods
- Pakistan and Modern South Asia
- Conceptual Genealogies: Master-slave Dialectics
- What is Modernity?
Research Interests
- Central European intellectual history
- Global history of modernity
Abdullah Mirza undertook a two-year M.A. in comparative history from Central European University (CEU), Vienna, where he received certificates from the Jewish Studies Program and the Center for Religious Studies. Prior to CEU, he graduated with a B.A. in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College (SJC) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he was editor-in-chief of The Moon and president of the archery club. At SJC, he studied Ancient Greek and French. He also studied Latin and Greek at the University of Notre Dame and Modern Arabic at Qasid Arabic Institute in Amman, Jordan, on an SJC Global Pathways Fellowship. Prior to SJC, graduated from Berkeley High School (BHS) and Berkeley Independent Study in Berkeley, California, where he was opinion editor at the Berkeley High Jacket. While in high school, he interned as a general assignment reporter at The Daily Californian at the University of California Berkeley (U.C. Berkeley); volunteered at Independent Study garden under Joy Moore and at Zaytuna College; and designed and edited memoirs as a personal assistant to Mauritian artist Mamade Kadreebux.
Abdullah’s academic and research interests include: cultural and political history, and interdisciplinary approaches to historiography.
Selected Awards and Accomplishments
- Student Speaker, Central European University Opening Ceremony (2021)
- St. John’s College Santa Fe Community Scholarship Award (2018)
- St. John’s College Santa Fe Trustee Scholarship and Founder’s Grant (2016-2020)
- Berkeley Independent Study Garden Master Organizer Award (2014)
Selected Publications
- “Political Nationalism’s Oedipal Moment: Abrahamic Psychologies of Central European and Late Colonial Indian Fins-de-Siecle.” M.A. Thesis, Central European University (2022).
- “Emotional Tears in the Fabric of Rationality: On the Interconnectedness of Thumos and Logos in Aristotle’s Art of Rhetoric.” Unpublished B.A. thesis. St. John’s College, Santa Fe, (2020).