Job Placements

Job Placements

The Office of Career Services actively supports graduating students and alumni in seeking job opportunities and getting ready for employment through its career development program. OCS’s network with employers help graduating students in exploring a variety of career options.

Embarking on Your Career Journey

Step I: Start Planning

  1. Meet with a Career Counselor at OCS in the beginning of your junior year to help develop and reflect on your career goals by assessing your interests, skills, and strengths so that you can start identifying and narrowing down relevant job options.
  2. Join the OCS Facebook group to stay up-to-date with job and internship opportunities:
  3. Begin networking with alumni, faculty, staff, senior students and potential employers to explore options and understand the types of available job options.
  4. Meet with people working in your field of interest, or the type of job you are aspiring for, to learn from their experience.
  5. Ensure that you take at least one internship during your undergraduate study, and also participate in activities beyond-the-classroom such as sports, community services, attending conferences, volunteer work and more. All these experiences will strengthen your experience and your resume.

Step II: Develop Transitional Skills and Essential Tools

  1. Attend career training workshops conducted by OCS. These workshops will help you develop and enhance your transitional skills such as interviewing skills, job search skills, negotiation, networking and more.
  2. Participate in mock interview exercises.
  3. Develop essential tools and get them reviewed by OCS to ensure accuracy and quality:
  • Cover letter
  • Resume
  • Portfolio
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Your Elevator Pitch

Responses to some of the common and HU specific interview questions

Step III: Attend Key Career Events

In order to explore the current job market and opportunities, and to network with employers, attend the following events organized by OCS:

  1. Campus-based Recruitment Drives
  2. Industry Meet and Greet
  3. Career Fair

Step IV: Take Your Employment Process Forward

  1. Apply for relevant opportunities related to your field of interest and goal(s).
  2. Prepare for interviews. Take help from OCS and other sources.
  3. Respond to interview calls professionally. Even if you decide not to take an interview or job test, inform the employers and send a regret email/call.
  4. Follow-up with employers after applying. All the best!

Key Employers where HU Alumni Are Working