There are plenty of other resources that you can consult to gain further clarity and depth of understanding. The Writing Center staff has picked out some of the best academic resources to assist you with your course work.
Grammar & Mechanics
- Take a test to see what grammar you need to practice
- Texas A&M Writing and Speaking Guides- See Grammar and Mechanics section
Citations & References
APA Citation
MLA Citation
Chicago Manual of Style
IEEE Citation
Writing Guides
- Successful Writing
- Checklist for Good Academic Writing – At Least in Sociology
- Writing for STEM – University of West Florida
- Understand Essays and Their Types
- Critical Thinking and Argumentation – Simon Fraser University
- Resources on Writing Guides – University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Resources on Writing Guide – Harvard College
Additionally, for those looking for a headstart into entering academia, here are some links to advanced academic writing guides for you to consult: