Quality Enhancement Cell

The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at Habib University was established in August 2017 to strengthen the University’s internal and external quality assurance mechanisms. The QEC at Habib University is listed among the established QECs as per the Quality Assurance Agency of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan’s (QAA-HEC) guidelines and has been annually assessed by QAA-HEC for performance against defined parameters. The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Accreditation (UGEA) is a senior position in the Office of Academic Affairs reporting to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. One of the key responsibilities of the Associate Dean (UGEA) is to head the Quality Enhancement Cell to ensure that the University implements and monitors all the requirements of regulatory and accreditation agencies.

Quality Enhancement Cell Members
1 Dr. Shah Jamal Alam Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education & Accreditation (Interim) and Associate Professor Computer Science
2 Ms. Anam Sophie Assistant Director QEC & Accreditation
3 Ms. Farhana Kazmi Manager QEC & Accreditation/Focal Person
Email: farhana.kazmi@habib.edu.pk
Contact: +92 21 11 10 42242 ext. 5119 / 0333-3003054
4 Vacant Snr. Officer QEC

Annual Activity Calendar 2023-24

Title of Report Annual Activity Calendar 2023-24
(1st July, 2023 to 30th June, 2024)
Name of the Institution Habib University, Karachi
# Parameter Proposed Timeline Comments
1 Progress against Institutional Performance Evaluation
i Self-RIPE by DAIs Spring 2024 The Self-RIPE is applicable and scheduled for May 2024 subject to guidance provided by QAA for IPR.
ii Targets of CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement)
Status of corrective actions taken so far for Self IPE of 2022-23 and execution plan for other corrective measures. Submitted with YPR The compliance implementation plan (with execution plan for other corrective measures) was submitted with the YPR 22-23.
If HEC has conducted the IPE in 2022-23 then the university need to evaluate the implementation status of that report in the Self IPE of FY 2023-24 and submit its implementation status to HEC as part of the YPR. N/A
2 Progress against Program Self-Assessment
i Targets of CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement)
Corrective actions
Fall 2023 Corrective actions for the DSSE programs (Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science) will be completed in Fall 23.
Corrective Actions for all the AHSS programs (Comparative Humanities, Communications and Design, and Social Development & Policy) will be part of the annual curriculum review cycle in Spring 24.
ii Actions taken on the online feedback survey reports of 2022-23. Spring 2024 Surveys will be conducted online as per scheduled for 2023-24. Analysis and review of survey reports will be included as an agenda item for the annual curriculum review meetings scheduled for June 2024.
3 Accreditation
i All programs offered by the university either at Main Campus, Sub Campus or any affiliated college that fall under the purview of any Accreditation Council need to be accredited/re-accredited from the respective council i. The Pakistan Engineering Council visited in September 2023 for the re-accreditation of HU’s Electrical Engineering program for the Class of 2023 and subsequent batches.
ii. The Pakistan Engineering Council visited in September 2023 for the first accreditation of HU’s Computer Engineering program for the Class of 2023 and subsequent batches.
iii. The National Computing Education Accreditation Council visit is scheduled for November 2023 for the re-accreditation of HU Computer Science program for the Class of 2023 and onwards batches.
4 Ph. D. Program Review and MS/M. Phil & Equivalent Program Review N/A Habib University does not offer Ph.D. and MS/M.Phil. Programs.
Launching of New PhD Programs and MS/M. Phil & Equivalent Programs after October 2013
5 Functioning of QEC Secretariat
Targets 5.1 – 5.7 Ongoing Targets for the implementation of HEC Policies and Criteria are ongoing tasks and will be completed during the course of the current academic year, i.e., 2023-2024.
Note: Habib University does not offer any graduate programs.
6 Implementation of HEC(QA) policies and criteria
Targets 6.1 – 6.2 Ongoing Targets for the implementation of HEC Policies and Criteria are ongoing tasks and will be completed during the course of the current academic year, i.e., 2023-2024.
Note: Habib University does not offer any graduate programs.
Additional Targets Ongoing Additional targets as mentioned are ongoing tasks and relevant data and information will be submitted at the end of the current academic year, i.e., 2023-2024.