Vice President, Academic Affairs

Faculty – the key custodian of intellectual experience: Message from the VPAA
As VPAA, I consider myself extremely fortunate to be playing a part in this historic journey of reimagining higher education in Pakistan that has a bold mission of ‘Shaping Futures’.  As a faculty member at Habib University our prime responsibility is to instill care, efforts and passion in our classes while transforming our student’s intellectual journey.

The three key necessary enablers for any transformational undergraduate education are 1) outstanding students, 2) inspiring faculty and 3) great infrastructure. While Habib University prides itself for its student centricity, the key custodians for this transformational intellectual experience at Habib are our inspiring faculty members. Leveraging the three key enablers allows Habib faculty to continuously tweak the reimagination of a truly liberal arts and sciences education that has the potential and mindset to address some of the most critical challenges around us in this 21st century digital age.

Over the last 8 years our faculty has demonstrated excellence towards teaching and learning using the CPAC lens – 1) Content that connects, 2) Pedagogy through a student-centered lens, 3) assessments that connect with the learning needs and 4) building communities that go beyond the classroom. Key faculty goal at Habib is to create an intellectual experience in our classrooms that allows our students to contribute in solving societal problems through their ability to think critically across different disciplines and perspectives.

Habib’s mission of shaping futures cannot be even contemplated let alone realized without our faculty invested in both exploring and embracing our culture, literature and identity and understand its epistemology.   Therefore, the 4-year undergraduate journey at Habib is not just about the right breadth and depth around majors and minors but around our faculty commitment towards repair of the collective damage undertaken by the human species in the last 300 years not just in ecology, climate and environment but also in other areas like economy, society, politics, culture, sustainability, design and more importantly in knowledge and cognition.

I am confident that Habib University will continue to provide the necessary enablers to our inspiring faculty who remains the key custodians for cultivating our students’ intellect as well as soul so that they become a competent, conscious and thoughtful citizens. This bold and arduous journey has shown great promise as our faculty continues to reflect YOHSIN values thus creating profound impacts through their teaching and learning at Habib University.

عشرت قطرہ ہے دریا میں فنا ہو جانا
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Dr Aamir Hasan,
Vice President Academic Affairs