Vision Mission and Values

Habib University has been conceived as a preeminent institution of higher learning. It is dedicated to pursuing its vision of enriching the lives of its students and engaging society through teaching, research, and service.


Our vision is our why. It describes the change we believe we can make in the world.


Our mission is our what. It describes the work we do every day as work towards our vision.


Our values describe who we are. They speak to our character as a University.

University Learning Goals:

Our goals convey our ambitions & expectations for all our students


To be a global leader and South Asia’s preeminent undergraduate liberal arts and sciences university.


Habib University’s mission is shaping futures. The University accomplishes this mission by providing a demanding, contextually relevant, and engaging world-class liberal arts and sciences education to the most talented students, regardless of their financial capacity or any social considerations, thereby empowering them to build their futures, enrich their lives, and become leaders in improving their country and the world.


Habib University’s values are captured in the Arabic verb Yohsin ( يحسن ), which is rooted in the core Islamic notion of ʾiḥsān. A multidimensional concept, with no single word corollary in English, Yohsin entails measuring each person’s worth not only by the depth of their knowledge or skills but by the application of their knowledge and skills to both personal self-cultivation and perfecting the world. This core philosophy is reflected in Habib’s five aspirational values for all community members: (1) strive for excellence, (2) do what is beautiful in all actions, (3) nurture passion, (4) respect all others, and (5) serve the community.


Themes Imp. Attributes Goals (Habib University students will be able to…)


 Knowledge Breadth & Depth Demonstrate both a genuine breadth of knowledge through the Habib Liberal Core and a capable depth of knowledge through the command of their chosen major.

Interdisciplinary & Transdisciplinary

Synthesis & Connections Synthesize knowledge, methods, and viewpoints from different disciplines to both make meaningful connections among and transcend them.


Contextually Grounded Demonstrate their knowledge is grounded in a
firm understanding of the historical, social, political, economic, religious, regional, and global contexts in which they are located.


Creativity & Innovation Imaginative & Interesting Imagine, develop, and produce creative, original ideas, interpretations, and works.
Critical Inquiry Analysis & Critical Thought Analyze and formulate relevant critical questions,
and answer those questions in a substantive way supported by quantitative and qualitative evidence.
Communication & Collaboration Interaction & Teamwork Listen actively to comprehend the meaning of others and successfully express cogent meaning through capable oral, written, and artistic modes of communication. Effectively interact and collaborate with others.
VALUE Social Impact Service & Sustainability Recognize the reciprocity of knowledge and service, and benefit their community, society, and the environment through socially responsible and sustainable engagement.
Thoughtful Self-Cultivation Yohsin Values & Lifelong Learning Cultivate lifelong curiosity by engaging in inquiry and reflection to acquire and apply new knowledge.
Ethical & Cultural Competence Personal & Professional Ethics Develop and nurture their own beliefs, values, and sense of responsibility to reach informed conclusions, while considering, appreciating, and respecting the perspectives of others.