Catalyst for Change

We live in a world where efforts made to address global issues through a dialogue are worth pursuing. As a catalyst for change, I have always been keen on finding ways through which I could play my part in bringing about a positive change and help address complex global issues. One such opportunity that caught my eye was the Youth Peace Forum Turkey 2022. Organized by the Alliance for Humanity, a Swedish NGO, the forum brought together 150 participants from around the world under one umbrella from July 16 to 19, 2022. It was indeed an honor for me to be the only person selected from Pakistan which meant that not only was I representing Habib University but also Pakistan.

Advocacy Through Peace and Diplomacy

This year’s theme for the Forum was “Peace and Diplomacy” and provided a unique platform for allowing young change-makers to explore various challenges faced by youth today. The focus was on equipping youth with the requisite skills and knowledge to lay the foundation for a more peaceful and stable future.

The keynotes delivered at the Forum highlighted innumerable issues prevailing globally such as economic instability, global warming, gender inequality and much more. The young policy makers at the Forum inspired me to comprehend how policy frameworks are implemented in different countries and how enthusiastically they are working towards change for a better future.

Networking, Experiencing Cultures and Identifying Issues

I was able to interact and network with diplomats of different countries and experience their culture and the problems they face.  It was really inspiring to learn how the youth of different nations are doing humanitarian work and bringing about a noticeable change in their countries.

For me, this was yet another platform to take forward Habib’s legacy of initiating dialogue on socially critical aspects. My training through Habib’s interdisciplinary approach based on the liberal core played a vital role in allowing me to explore the various challenges put forth at the forum through multiple perspectives. I was able to present my work and create contacts for future opportunities to collaborate with people for the betterment of not only Pakistan, but also other countries globally.

Exploring the Streets of Antalya, Turkey

Alongside the productive sessions, in my free time, I explored the streets, mesmerizing architecture and famous food of the city of Antalya, Turkey.

I am really grateful to Office of Global Engagement at Habib University for sharing such a life-changing opportunity. I look forward to attending more forums of such nature to network with people from a variety of ethnicities and learn new avenues of knowledge. I would really encourage the youth to participate in such activities and broaden their horizons by travelling and meeting new people from all walks of life.

This blog is written by Anosha Nangraj, Social Development and Policy, Class of 2025, recipient of 100% scholarship (HUTOPS).


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