Class of 2021
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy

Aspiration Statement

I want to pursue my postgraduate studies in anthropology and explore human cultures across time and space. As a career, I am driven towards research and project management. I am also deeply passionate about policy-making, food and music.

Core Skills

  • Design Thinking
  • Qualitative research skills
  • Creative Writing
  • Microsoft Office

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean's List Fall 2018
  • Dean's List Fall 2020


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Publication in Arzu Anthology, Vol. 1
  • Habib University - Committee Chair, HU Student Government

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • House of Habib - Assistant Manager
  • Shehri Citizens - Project Intern for Abeeter Environment
  • Habib University Center For South Asian Music - Coordinator
  • Habib University - Teaching Assistant

Publications / Creative Projects

  • Publication in Arzu Anthology, Vol. 1

Final Year Project

Project Title

Life of Tabla in Karachi: A phenomenological ethnography of tabla players in Karachi


This research seeks to address the dearth of documentation of tabla players; their lives, craft, practices, and norms within the larger context of musical culture in the country and, specifically, the cosmopolitan context of Karachi. It explores the socio-cultural dimension of tabla; the perceptions of the art and its practitioners, the patrons of the art, the influence of political, religious, economic institutions on them. The thesis also looks at the distinct cultural dynamics of the community and its practices of transmission and dissemination of knowledge, configuration(s) of the community and its socio-cultural identities. By doing so, it historicizes the practice of this art form in the city, trace the trajectory of its cultural evolution through the eyes of practitioners (how meanings and practices have evolved across generations), while simultaneously juxtaposing it with contemporary dynamics.