Zara Imran

Zara Imran

Zara Imran

BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy

Aspiration Statement

I want to have a career in academia and to pursue my postgraduate studies in English Literature

Core Skills

  • Qualitative Research
  • Academic Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Research

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean's List Spring 2021
  • Dean's List Fall 2020


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Tezhib Managerial Editor

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Research Associate — Global Health Directorate [January 2021 — April 2021]
  • Research Assistant — Arif Hasan [July 2020 — August 2020]

Publications / Creative Projects

  • Tezhib Volume I, "Female Mobility: Women Traversing Gendered Public Spaces in Karachi"
  • Dawn Newspaper, "Greater Visibility"
  • Dawn Newspaper, "Precedent from History"
  • The Desi Collective, "An Unremembered Past"
  • Crack The Spine, "Maskless-ness

Final Year Project

Project Title

Puar’s theorization of the biopolitics of debility


This project uses Puar’s theorization of the biopolitics of debility. I use this concept in relation to Butler’s ideas on precarity and Agamben’s theorization of bare life to chart out a yet undefined space through which neoliberal systems of recognition can be threatened. This dismantling is premised on recognition amongst communities, building solidarities and affinities amongst precarious and debilitated subjects. I am exploring the realization of these affinities through a literary analysis of Rankine’s Citizen and Sacco’s Palestine.