Ayesha Asif Syed

Ayesha Asif Syed

Class of 2023
BS Computer Science

Aspiration Statement

I am interested in solving problems using innovative solutions. Software Engineering and Product Management are two fields that interest me.

Core Skills

  • Adobe XD
  • Django
  • Flutter
  • Leadership
  • Python
  • SQL
  • Teamwork

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Merit-based Scholarship, Habib University


Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Software Engineer, 10Pearls (June 2022 – Present)
  • Product Manager, Assembly F (June 2021 – September 2021)
  • Software Engineer, Diya Interactive (June 2020 – July 2020)

Final Year Project

Project Title

Transformer-based Urdu Chatbot


Our proposed solution is a Flutter application integrated with a transformer model to answer queries about menstruation, menstrual health and hygiene, and social taboos. The target audience is women and young girls in rural Pakistan who do not have access to this knowledge. Traditional health-seeking behavior, particularly for menstrual health, is strongly influenced by sociocultural and religious factors. This can have damaging effects on the physiological and mental well-being of women in Pakistan, highlighting a dire need for a solution. We propose a generative, domain-specific, multi-turn chatbot - the first of its kind - to provide females in urban areas of South Asia's developing countries with information regarding their menstrual health.