Class of 2021
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy
Minor: Communication and Design

Aspiration Statement

I am skilled in Management, Writing, Teamwork, Interviewing, and Event Planning.

Core Skills

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Premiere Pro CC
  • Python
  • MS Office


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Grad Committee [2020]
  • Arzu Anthology [2019] - Editorial Team
  • HUCon [2018] - Logistics Team
  • Dar-ul-Sakoon - Volunteer
  • Hatao Plastic: Awareness Campaign - Team Lead

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Global Industries Intelligence - Conference Producer
  • CIRCLE - Content Writer and Social Media Intern

Final Year Project

Project Title

South Asian Archetypes in Western Media and Their Impact on Youth’s Ethnic Identity


The aim of this research is to highlight South Asian representation in Western media and to explore its impact on youth’s ethnic identity. The paper has three main sections. The first focuses on the way South Asians are represented in Western TV shows and films, it formulates four main archetypes based on the way South Asians are portrayed in Western media. The second section focuses on how these representations are read/interpreted/perceived by the youth. The final section focuses on the way this representation of South Asian characters and the interpretation of these characters impacts youth’s ethnic identity of the youth.