Class of 2021
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy
Minor: History

Aspiration Statement

I want to pursue my postgraduate in Management or Development preferably in Canada where I have applied for higher education. Additionally, as for my professional career I would like to work in the Human Resource department of a reputable company.

Core Skills

  • Data Analysis
  • Qualitative Research
  • Market Research
  • Public Speaking
  • Communication


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • MUN Public Speaking Club - Director

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Mobil Askari - Intern
  • National Bioethic Committee Pakistan - Intern

Final Year Project

Project Title

Gift Exchange vs Commodity Exchange, Which is Better?


This is an essay that looks at different forms of economics throughout time. It examines primitive gift exchange where context is given on different forms of gift exchange that were described in Marcel Muass's book “The Gift”. Here he gives us an analytical view of the significance of a gift. I use this context to analyze the essence of a gift looking at the Kula ring and potlach. I then describe what commodity exchange is which is the form of economics we use in the current day and age creating a comparison of the two trying to figure out which one of the two is more useful. The conclusion that I come to is that though, inherently similar, there are some outlying differences which gives one of the two an edge over the other.