Reminiscing Memories: Habib Alumni Get Together in the UK

London, United Kingdom. August 24, 2024: The Habib Alumni community in the UK gathered in London for an evening of fun-filled laughter, good conversations, and shared memories. Eighteen alumni came together, some traveling from other cities across the country, with the purpose of reuniting under one roof and building a community of support and shared experiences.

Our Growing Habib Alumni Community

This was the second alumni get-together that was organized in London, with the first one taking place in the summer of 2022 when the Habib Alumni community was comparatively small in number. Since then, our community has grown sizable and continues to expand every year.

Reliving the Spirit of Campus Life

The event served as a chance for us to reconnect, catch up on life in the UK, share career advice, and reflect on our journeys, while also recalling the wonderful moments we spent and shared at Habib.

One of the highlights of the alumni get together was an exciting “Habib + General Knowledge” trivia showdown (thanks to Daniyal Saeed, Class of 2022, for organizing). We split into teams and tapped into our competitive spirit, reminiscent of our time at  Habib University’s NSO.

Building a Stronger Alumni Network

Many alumni brought their partners and family members to join in on the fun as we shared stories and reminisced about our campus days. Together we reminisced about our days on campus and celebrated the lasting friendships we formed at the best university in Pakistan.

Beyond the fun, we also took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of completing the alumni survey and shared the plans that the Alumni Office has for setting up an active advisory board and facilitating more events and community-building initiatives.

A Memorable Evening in London

In the middle of a bustling and rainy London, we were able to recreate, for a few hours at least, that fleeting sense of togetherness we once had in Karachi. In this space, where everyone is navigating adulthood, the longing for a familiar sense of home and belonging felt more present than ever.

This article was written by Roha Ali Khan, Computer Science, Class of 2021.


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