In conversation with Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr
Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr comes from an illustrious Iranian family. His father, Hossein Nasr, is…

Killing enough
Fahd Ali Saturday, January 10, 2015 From Print Edition This is our moment of reckoning.…

Looking beyond the clichéd norms of higher education
Many students today would benefit from studying a curriculum aimed at teaching general subjects and…

Liberal Classes
“The worth of every human is in their yohsin,” says a quote by Imam Ali,…

Watch Yohsin Distinguished Lecture Dr. Vali Nasr here
A Glimpse – Yohsin Distinguished Lecture Dr. Vali Nasr from Habib University on Vimeo. Habib…

HUM TV coverage – Yohsin Lecture Series Dr. Vali Nasr
HUM TV coverage – Yohsin Lecture Series Dr. Vali Nasr, Dean at Johns Hopkins School…

Education a slow cooking process: Prof Gayatri Chakravorty
KARACHI: Education is not all about knowledge it is also about building foundations with the…

Pluralism can counter sectarianism
KARACHI: Sectarianism within the world of Islam has moved beyond religious arguments and is now…

What causes violence in South Asia? It’s all about identity, says Dr Vali Nasr
KARACHI: Dr Vali Nasr knows what causes violence in South Asia. “It’s about identity. It’s always…