Education for All: Habib University’s Religious Giving Campaign

As the month of Ramzan is near, Habib University in Karachi, Pakistan has launched a religious giving campaign to encourage people to donate Zakat to higher education for those who cannot afford it. The campaign aims to provide access and opportunities to students from different socio-economic backgrounds. The campaign uses a powerful digital video campaign (DVC) featuring Pakistani actor and model Hassan Ahmed, who portrays the son of a professor seeking to change higher education. The message is clear: education is the key to a better future and quality higher education is necessary to ensure the prosperity of the nation.

Habib University’s DVC for Religious Giving Campaign

Habib University has granted 100% scholarships to 360 students through HU TOPS since its inception in 2014, and currently, 85% of the student body is on some sort of scholarship or financial aid. The campaign is a call to action for all those who believe in the importance of education and wish to donate towards higher education for the betterment of society.

Religious giving is an important way to support philanthropy and is considered a foundational dimension of religious thought. All religions have emphasized religious giving. Zakat is an obligatory donation that Muslims regard as a mandatory act within their faith. Zakat is a religious philanthropy that cleanses wealth and purifies the giver.

In the 21st century, global philanthropy is growing faster and helping the world to change. More and more wealthy individuals, families, and corporations are giving to support higher education, which is helping their nation work towards goals of development and sustainability.

Muslims utilize Waqf as a tool to preserve their wealth throughout time and pass it down through the generations to benefit future generations. Waqf is a religious endowment that entails donating a building, land, school, hospital, or other assets for charitable purposes with no intention of recovering them. The elders or contributors have a responsibility under waqf to make sure that the assets committed for this endowment purpose may be maintained from one generation to the next.

Waqf played a large role in the social, political, and economic life of the Muslim community and was utilized to significantly enhance the Muslim world. The waqf institution was crucial to the economic growth of a nation during the Ottoman caliphate, especially in providing a wide range of services including educational institutions, health care facilities, and public gathering areas.

In conclusion, higher education is essential for the progress and development of any nation. Habib University’s Zakat campaign is a noble cause that aims to provide access to quality education to those young and talented individuals who cannot afford it. The campaign uses religious giving as a means to support philanthropy and is a call to action for all those who believe in the importance of education. Through endowments to higher education, communities can support future generations to work for the betterment of the society and nation.

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