Coming Together for Quality Education in Pakistan

Key representatives of leading schools and colleges gathered at Habib University in Karachi on November 26, for the annual luncheon, where they discussed and renewed their commitment to the improvement of education in Pakistan.

Facilitated by HU’s Student Marketing & Recruitment, representatives of various schools, including school counselors and principals gathered at the Tariq Rafi Lecture Theatre to engage in a discussion on the betterment of the country’s education landscape. Bringing together such prominent stakeholders was also a commitment to help provide mentorship and guidance for a student’s personal growth and development.

Speaking at the event, President Wasif Rizvi welcomed all the attendees and thanked them for participating in what he called “an important conversation” on the state of education in Pakistan.

He emphasized about the significance of an understanding between high school representatives and a university to improve the country’s higher education system.

One of the ways that high schools can understand about an institute like Habib, Mr. Rizvi explained, was to “understand its sense of mission,” and how Habib seeks to sustain a private university in the country through the unique approach of co-ownership by the society.

“In Pakistan, universities are understood poorly; private universities even less so,” he told the gathering and explained how HU seeks to address three problems facing higher education in Pakistan, including intellectual experience; problem of accessibility; reshaping philanthropy.

Elaborating on these points, President Wasif Rizvi spoke on the number of students in Pakistan who sit for Cambridge Board examinations, which numbers around 800,000 students. In comparison, 20 million students go through local examination boards, a disparity that requires an urgent need of address.

He told the gathering that accessibility for all to quality education, regardless of background, was the only way to tackle this problem because a great university can only be created on the back of great students.

Habib’s Vice President Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, Dr. Christopher Taylor, spoke next where he elaborated further on Habib’s mission and on global change in higher education.

“What does it mean to be an educated person in the 21st Century? This is an important question for all of us to ponder upon,” Dr. Taylor rhetorically asked when he spoke about the need for education to adjust to global requirements.

He underscored that education is at a global crossroads, which like the transition from the agricultural to industrial and now information age, needs to adjust to new trends.

Dr. Taylor also spoke about what inspired him to join Habib University and how he felt that the institute was on the path to where Liberal Arts colleges need to go in the future.

“You may look at Habib as one of the best, most innovative universities in the world, which is right here in Pakistan.” ~ Dr. Christopher Taylor

Umrat Khan, HU Alumna from the Class of 2019, then gave a presentation to the key representatives of leading schools and spoke about her time at Habib, which she credits with having shown her a world beyond the confines of a classroom.

She explained that the idea of student-centric learning is at the heart of the Habib experience, which she regards as being unique. Umrat concluded the event with her inspiring testimony and appealed to the gathering that, “Through your support and increased collaboration we can help students reap the benefits of a quality education.”


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