Visit of Habib Bank AG Zurich Board to Habib University

HABIB UNIVERSITY, November 20, 2015: The Board of Habib Bank AG Zurich (HBZ) paid a visit to Habib University as part of a three-day visit to Karachi. The six Board members, together with senior representatives of the House of Habib, met the President of Habib University, Wasif Rizvi, and several senior staff members.

The delegation was given an extensive tour of the campus and its world class facilities. The marquee spaces – including auditorium, library, Tariq Rafi Lecture Theatre – as well as the interspersed nature of classrooms and faculty pods were particularly appreciated. The tour was followed by refreshments and a presentation on the history, vision, and operations of this new academic venture.

Habib University’s innovation of bringing together holistic liberal arts education with rigorous academic curricula in areas most needed in Pakistan caught the international visitors’ interest. They discussed the need for grounding education in local and historical realities on the one hand, and for critically building diverse skills for leadership in the 21st century. Recognizing that a private university – in contrast to the European model of public higher education – provides vast opportunities to engage society in a broader level, they valued the outstanding efforts of Habib University in providing a platform for public engagement such as through its events, as well as in building partnerships with individuals, corporations and institutions.

The Chairman of HBZ Board pointed towards opportunities for collaborations for research and exchanges with Swiss universities. The visit concluded with all Board members lauding the Habib University project and the impacts it already has achieved as highly positive news from Pakistan to be shared with the international community and HBZ clients.

Images from the visit


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