KARACHI: It is heartening to note that Urdu literary gatherings are now going beyond the domain of the Karachi Arts Council and Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu and being organised by academic institutions in the city. One such get-together took place at the Habib University on Wednesday with short story writer, lyric-poet and television playwright Asad Mohammad Khan.
Said to be shy and reclusive, it was a treat to listen to the writer who spoke about the background and inspirations behind his well-known short stories such as ‘Basauday ki Maryam’, ‘Mai Dada’, ‘Tirlochan’ and ‘Ghussay ki Nayi Fasal’. Beginning the conversation Dr Asif Farrukhi gave a brief overview of Asad sahib’s literary achievements adding how his family came to Karachi from Bhopal. He read out a humorous excerpt about them from ‘Mairay Log’, a short note he had written at the end of his short story collection titled Khirki Bhar Aasman.