URBAN FORESTRY Practical Workshop

URBAN FORESTRY Practical Workshop

URBAN FORESTRY Practical Workshop

February 25, 2022

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


The lack of green spaces in Karachi’s concrete jungle is strikingly apparent, and leaves the city vulnerable to the effects of climate change. This workshop aims to introduce participants to the growing urban forestry movement in the city, and in particular to the Miyawaki method of afforestation. We will focus on soil restoration, indigenous flora, benefits of urban forestry, and ways to combat Karachi’s growing nature deficit.

This workshop is offered by Tara Khan.

Tara is a Karachi-based urban forester and researcher. Her interests include ecosystem restoration, sustainable land use, climate adaptation, and greening public spaces. In addition to forestry, she works in culture and heritage research, and currently researches Pakistani maritime archaeology for MAHI.