Aspiration Statement
I am interested in government work. I also plan on giving the CSS examination in the first sitting after graduation, and, as second option, pursuing master's studies in public policy in the UK.
Core Skills
- Qualitative Research Skills
- Writing Skills in English, Urdu and Punjabi
- Speaking Skills in English, Urdu and Punjabi
- Speaking Skills in Saraiki
- Beginner Level Speaking Skills in Turkish
- Bookkeeping and Managing Finance
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Dean's List, Spring 2021
- Dean's List, Fall 2020
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Presenter at the 7th Annual Karachi Conference
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Management Trainee Officer - Habib Bank Limited (Jul 2022 - Present)
- Co-Founder and Treasurer - Aitebar Foundation (June 2018- January 2022)
- Intern - Engro (July 2021- November 2021)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Presented my paper at the 7th Annual Karachi Conference
Final Year Project
Project Title
Menstruating while Student: Coming Back to Campus after Lockdown in Pakistan.
The Coronavirus pandemic has created unprecedented situations and issues for the whole world. Pakistan, like the rest of the world, went into multiple lockdowns, which resulted in schools and universities being closed for several months. The lockdown in Pakistan was lifted a while ago, and menstruators have returned to their university campuses since, and so the purpose of this study was to explore what it meant for menstruators to come back to their campuses. My research question was "what does it mean for females who menstruate to go back to their university campuses after lockdown has been lifted in Pakistan?" This research was a qualitative exploratory study with a feminist approach. The conclusion of this research was the recommendation of a well-representative menstrual leave policy as well as the provision of on and off campus facilities provided by the higher-education institutes of Pakistan.