Aspiration Statement
I am particularly interested in gender studies and design thinking. I would like to pursue a job that offers a combination of development and design thinking. I also plan to have a start up of my own.
Core Skills
- Qualitative Research
- Figma
- Academic Writing
Academic Awards / Achievements
- President's List, 2020
- Dean's List, Spring 2019
- Dean's List - 5 times' recipient
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- President, Serve Club
- Orientation Leader
- Student Ambassador
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Assistant Manager - Karachi Down Syndrome Program (Sep 2022 - Present)
- Program Manager - RLCC (Mar 2022 - Apr 2022)
- Service Design Intern - Academic Operations - Habib University (June 2021- July 2021)
- Communication Development Instructor - Coded Minds (April 2021 - May 2021)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic: Poster of Scientific Methods Final Project was presented at the AASSA - PAS (Pakistan Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Association of Academies and Societies of Science in Asia) Webinar Series on "Pandemic Preparedness: Science and Countermeasures" (2021 )
- Presented the project and documentary on Afghan Refugees in the first SDP Conference at Habib University
Final Year Project
Project Title
How have Patterns of Gift Exchange Evolved? An Analysis of Gift Exchange in Generation Z
I did my capstone on Gift Exchange in Generation Z in the course Anthropology of Trade. The research project aimed to use traditional theories on gift exchange and used them to analyze as to how gift exchange patterns have evolved over time. The findings revealed that the way people reciprocated differed in varying circumstances; in some cases it was also considered as a burden. In addition to this, one of the most significant finding was the role of technology. The rising use of digital platforms and online shopping avenues have also brought changes in the practice of gift exchange. Despite these changes, individuals from Generation Z still placed a great deal of importance on physical exchanges and interactions.