Class of 2022
BA (Honors) Communication & Design

Aspiration Statement

I really want to explore the field of product design, with the main focus on UX design. Other than that, I want to develop, both, my businesses of product photography and 3D LifeCasting.

Core Skills

  • Product Photography
  • Research Synthesis
  • Design Research
  • UX Design
  • Service Design


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Vice President of the Serve Club 2021
  • Radio Jockey 2021
  • OL (Orientation Leader) 2020

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • User Researcher - CreditBook
  • Entrepreneur - WonderStruck
  • UX Fellow - UX Assembly (November 2021 - May 2022)
  • Entrepreneur - MAB photography (December 2020 - April 2022)
  • Design Intern - Backspace (June 2021 - August 2021)

Publications / Creative Projects

  • Developed a toolkit for financial literacy of government school children
  • Researched the Impact of the Shift to Online Education on the Learning of Fine Arts and Media Students Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Designed a chair for breastfeeding moms

Final Year Project

Project Title

Kaam-yabi: Developing Entrepreneurial Skills in Women of Vocational Training Centres


Designing a book and a boardgame to instill entrepreneurship skills in women and to help them in utilizing these skills to become independent.