Class of 2022
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy
Aspiration Statement
I want to gain experience in the Health Administration or Public Health field by working as a research assistant/associate on any health-related project.
Core Skills
- Qualitative Research
- QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System)
- Quantitative Research
- Content Development
- Monitoring and Evaluation
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Dean's List, Fall 2021
- Dean's List, Spring 2021
- Dean's List, Fall 2020
- President's List, Spring & Fall 2019
- Dean's List, Fall 2019
- Dean's List, Spring 2019
- Global-UGRAD Pakistan Scholar
- IBA Conference: paper presented at the 2nd Annual International Conference at the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER)
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Presented paper on lsmat Chughtai and Feminism at PMA literature festival as a representative of Habib University
- Presented paper, "The Conquest of Arithmea: A Game-based Approach to Learning BODMAS", at a conference in Berlin, Germany
- Asst. Guider at Pakistan Girl Guides Association (AKYSBP Chapter)
- George Mason University - Continuing Education Units: completed the Leadership Engagement and Action for Pakistan framework. IREX developed the LEAP Institute
- Van Sant Leadership Program: UGRAD scholar at Otterbein University
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Researcher - Aga Khan University (Sep 2022 - Present)
- Researcher - Urban Collaborative (June 2022 - August 2022)
- Project Intern - Developing Simple Syllabi, Habib University (February 2022 - March 2022)
- Research Assistant - John Hopkins University (February 2022)
- Research Intern - Shehri-Citizens (Gender and Religious Minorities Project), Shehri-CBE (January 2022 - February 2022)
- Peer Counselor for International Students - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Resource Center, Otterbein University (September 2021 - December 2021)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Interned at the Urban Collaborative in Summer 2021 to develop a human-centered development model for the restoration of the ST-17 Park, situated at a juncture between Bath Island and Hijrat Colony
- Two poems, The Tea Trolly and Khol Do, selected for publication in the fourth volume of Arzu Anthology, a student-led publication at Habib University
- Needs' Assessment Survey conducted at the Hussain Hazara Goth for the Hussain Hazara Goth Project
- SRHR- Climate Change Project - Tharparkar
- Published poet - Poetry Anthology titled as Way Out, published by aspiring pens
Final Year Project
Project Title
Mitigating Healthcare Provider Bias by Increasing Social Capital Within Communities
By imparting knowledge about family planning, creating a sense of ownership, and building trust between providers and patients, the social capital within communities can be increased. Doing so, in turn, will mitigate provider bias within those communities, especially in Pakistan.