About the Symposium

The Dhanani School of Science and Engineering (DSSE) Undergraduate Research Symposium (DURS 2024) is a research forum for aspiring undergraduate researchers to showcase their innovative research projects and findings to the broader scientific community. Already in its 2nd year, this scientific symposium follows the theme of Promoting Technical Advancement, Diversity, and Sustainability in STEM through Undergraduate Research. Building upon the success of DURS 2023, DURS 2024 will have the following four streams: Artificial Intelligence for Social Impact, Human-Centered Design, Sustainable Technologies for Climate and Health, and Robotics and Emerging Technologies.

Symposium Date

16th May, 2024 (Thursday) | 09.00 AM - 6.00 PM

Conference Agenda

Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker:Dr Kulsoom Ghias

Dr Kulsoom Ghias serves as Professor and Chair of the Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, holding The Feerasta Family Endowed Chair at AKU Medical College, Pakistan. She holds a PhD from Northwestern University and is affiliated with esteemed professional associations, receiving accolades such as the Outstanding Teacher Award. With 16+ years at Aga Khan University, Dr Ghias is celebrated for her impactful contributions to medical education, recognized with the Award of Excellence in Teaching & Teaching Leadership. A Senior Fellow of Higher Education UK, her leadership extends to roles such as Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee in the past. Dr Ghias' research interests span Cancer Biology, Ethics, and Medical Education.

Shama Dossa

Dr Kulsoom Ghias

Associate Professor & Chair,
Department of Biological & Biomedical Sciences,
Aga Khan University

Symposium stream:
Promoting Technical Advancement, Diversity, And Sustainability In STEM Through Undergraduate Research

Symposium sub-streams:

Artificial Intelligence for Social Impact

Applications of AI for societal challenges

AI for transforming healthcare, education, and banking

The first stream of the symposium, Artificial Intelligence for Social Impact, focuses on healthcare accessibility, education equity, and financial sustainability. It explores ethical considerations, algorithmic fairness, and responsible AI deployment, aiming to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

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Human-Centered Design

Design Thinking for Enhanced User Experiences

Inclusive Design for Diverse Communities

The second stream of the symposium, Human-Centered Design focuses on user-centric approaches for enhancing experiences. It explores Design Thinking to create a better and delightful user-experience through creativity and innovation, while Inclusive Design ensures accessibility for diverse communities. This collective effort aims to make real changes in user experiences and societal inclusion, fostering an innovative environment.

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Sustainable Technologies for Climate and Health

Renewable energy and efficient systems for sustainability

Technological advancements for health and climate resilience

The third stream of the symposium Sustainable Technologies for Climate and Health highlights technology’s role in addressing climate, health and energy challenges in developing countries. It emphasizes the urgent need for tech-driven strategies to health risks in a dynamic climate and invites undergraduate researchers to explore renewable energy integration

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Robotics and Emerging Technologies

Latest developments in robotics technology

Applications of autonomous systems and wearable devices

The fourth stream of the symposium, Robotics and Emerging Technologies, explores robotics and emerging technologies' applications, focusing on their impact on workforce, economy, and social welfare. It aims for inclusivity, equity, and technological empowerment, particularly in healthcare, through accessible solutions for underserved communities.

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Important Dates

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Symposium committee members

Dr. Abdul Samad

Dr. Abdul Samad

Assistant Dean and Program Director, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Dhanani School of Science & Engineering (Symposium Chair)

Farhan Anwar

Dr. Neelma Bhatti

Assistant Program Director and Assistant Professor, Computer Science (Co-Chair)

Dr. Syed Muhammad Hur Rizvi

Dr. Syed Muhammad Hur Rizvi

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. Faisal Alvi

Dr. Faisal Alvi

Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Raheel Tajuddin Lakhani

Raheel Tajuddin Lakhani

Assistant Director, Faculty Development and Research, Habib University (Member)

Areeba Aziz Rajput

Areeba Aziz Rajput

Dean’s Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Syed Ali Haider Rizvi

Syed Ali Haider Rizvi

Research and Program Development Specialist, Office of Research & Graduate School Curation Program

Aamina Rafique

Aamina Rafique

Senior Program Coordinator, Computer Science

Jahanzaib Hyder

Jahanzaib Hyder

Senior Program Coordinator, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ariba Owais

Ariba Owais

Program Coordinator, Integrated Science and Mathematics

Contact information for the symposium coordinators