Author Guidelines
Tezhib only accepts previously unpublished work. If your submitted work is being considered for publication elsewhere, please inform us.
- Works submitted should demonstrate critical and evidence-based engagement with the subject.
- Papers produced outside of coursework may be considered in exceptional cases. These submissions must still be from undergraduate university students.
- Tezhib aims to make academic work more accessible. Therefore, it is advised to minimize complex theory, jargon, and specialized terminology, ensuring they are clearly explained within the work.
- Citations are necessary where required in-text, along with a references section. APA citation style, 7th Edition is preferred.
Word Limit
- Primary research papers: 5000 – 7500 words.
- Secondary research papers (term papers): 1500 – 4000 words.
- Primary research work must include a faculty sponsorship form attached within the email.
Formatting Guidelines
- Submissions should be in standard font size 12, Times New Roman, and double-spaced. The document pages should be numbered.
- The title of your work should be in bold, at the top, and center aligned.
- All English writings should use American English.
- Submit your work as a Word document file without any identifiable details such as name, grades, etc.
All submissions must be sent as an email attachment to, with the subject line ‘Tezhib Journal Submission: Category Name’. Please name the submission file as follows: LastName_FirstName.doc.
Include the following details within the email:
- Name
- University
- Year of Graduation
- Major/Degree
- Submission category name (e.g., original research, secondary research, literary analysis, other)
- Name of the course the paper was written for
- Course Instructor’s Name
- Grade received on the paper
If your submission was not produced as part of coursework, specify this and include the following details:
- Nature of your work
- Motivation/purpose behind it
- If and under whose supervision it was produced
- Time period (in dates) you worked on this project
Once you have submitted your paper, you can expect a confirmation email within two weeks. If not, please write back to us. The editor may return the manuscript for revisions, and publication is subject to whether the author is willing to revise their work.
Submission Deadline: January 1st, 2024
Multiple submissions are not accepted unless the second submission by the same applicant is co-authored, and where the concerned does not have first authorship.