A distinctive feature of great liberal arts universities is their commitment to the principles of shared governance. Although the specific shape of shared governance varies from one institution to the next, the term “shared governance” itself refers to an understanding that the institution’s governing Board, the administrative leadership of the University and its faculty all participate in various ways in governance of the institution as it seeks to fulfill its mission.

In some universities there are very clear and distinct spheres of responsibility for the Board, the administration and the faculty, whereas at other institutions the lines of jurisdictional demarcation are less formal or distinct. Habib University aspires to a distinctive model of shared governance that embraces its Yohsin values and encourages genuine teamwork among faculty, the administration and the University’s Board of Governors as they collectively work towards a shared goal: the success of Habib students.

This model of shared governance emphasizes collaboration and it values consensus. We collectively recognize that the faculty, the administration and the Board of Governors will not always agree, but we aspire to a culture of mutual respect and honest exchange – a genuinely collaborative culture in which everyone recognizes, especially in moments of profound disagreement, that others, with whom they may disagree, are motivated by the same deep passion for our students and a shared commitment to their success. In building this model of shared governance, which emphasizes partnership over confrontation, we all strive to see matters empathetically through the eyes of those with whom we disagree. We also commit to each other to try to shape our decisions based on the same shared body of basic factual information. We seek to engage each other in honest and respectful conversation as we reach decisions, instead of immediately jumping to speculative assumptions about the motivations of those with whom we disagree.

As is true of most great liberal arts universities, subject to the authority of the President and the Dean of Faculty, the approval of the Board of Governors and the Charter of the University, the Habib University faculty has primary jurisdiction over all academic matters, including: curriculum, academic regulations, academic planning and curricular review, teaching procedures and requirements, academic advisement, co-curricular academic activities, the academic discipline of students and recommendations on the conferral of degrees.

The faculty organizes itself under the leadership of the President and determines its own governance procedures. The University Faculty Meeting is a committee of the whole and serves as the supreme decision making body for the Habib University faculty in all matters under its jurisdiction, except as that jurisdiction is delegated by the Faculty Meeting itself to various committees that report to the entire faculty at its monthly meetings.

The Faculty Senate is the duly elected representative leadership of the entire faculty. On behalf of the faculty, the Senate interacts with and advises the Dean of Faculty, and, on occasion, the President and other senior administrative officers on academic freedom, curricular issues, staffing, strategic planning, shared governance, budgeting and other matters of import which may arise. Much of the faculty’s work is accomplished through a series of faculty committees, some of which are elected and some of which are appointed. In addition, faculty frequently serve on University committees as well. The current list of faculty and University committees and their membership are listed below

The Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate serves as the recognized representative leadership of the entire faculty. On behalf of the faculty, the Senate interacts with and advises the Dean of Faculty, and, on occasion, the President and other senior administrative officers on academic freedom, curricular issues, staffing, strategic planning, shared governance, budgeting and other matters of import which may arise from time to time.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6
The Faculty Senate
Dr. Basit Memon (DSSE)
August 2023
Dr. Saeed ur Rehman
January – 2024
Dr. Coline Ferrant
March – 2023
Ms. Haya Fatima Iqbal
January – 2024
Mr. Rameez Ragheb
August 2023
Dr. Muhammad Qasim Pasta
August – 2022
Dr. Tariq Mumtaz
August – 2022

Provisional Committee on Faculty (PCOF)

The PCOF is a faculty committee which considers all matters related to the review and promotion of full-time non-ladder faculty on behalf of the faculty. All responsibilities related to the review of individual faculty members for promotion are delegated to the Provisional Committee on Faculty (PCOF).

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4
Provisional Committee on Faculty (PCOF)
Dr. Shafayat Abrar (DSSE)
April 2022
Dr. Shah Jamal Alam
September – 2019
Dr. Syeda Saleha Raza
May 2022
Dr. Nauman Naqvi
September – 2019
Dr. Najeeb Jan
May 2022

Academic Standing Committee

The Academic Standing Committee is a faculty committee concerned with the academic performance of students. It decides all matters relating to the academic standing of students, the granting and denial of individual student petitions for modifications or exceptions to academic regulations.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6 Member 7 Member 8 Member 9
Academic Standing Committee
Dr. Muhammad Mobeen Movania (DSSE)
August 2023
Dr. Farhan Khan
February– 2023
Dr. Waqar Saleem
September 2023
Dr. Usman Salahuddin
September 2023
Dr. Syed Afzal Ahmed
September 2023
Mr. Mohammad Moeini
August 2023
Ms. Mehwish Abid
September 2023
Mr. Faizan Rafi Hashmi
Ms. Infer Khalid
January 2024
Dr. Ishtiyaq A. Makda

Committee on Academic Integrity

The Faculty committee responsible for hearing and deciding all cases where students are charged with having violated the University’s policies on academic integrity.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6
Committee on Academic Integrity
Dr. Ishtiyaq A. Makda
(on behalf of the VPAA)
Mr. Mohammad Moeini Feizabadi
November 2023
Dr. Behzad Khosarvi
November 2023
Dr. Saeed ur Rehman
November 2023
Dr. Behroz Mirza
November 2023
Dr. Omar Farooq Anjum
November 2023
Mr. Rehan Azhar
November 2023

Habib Liberal Core Governance Committee (HLCGC)

The Faculty committee which advises the Program Directors and the Faculty on all issues related to the Habib Liberal Core.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 7 Member 8 Member 9
Habib Liberal Core Governance
Committee (HLCC)
Dr. Aamir Hasan (VPAA) Dr. Aaron Mulvany (AHSS)
January 2021
Dr. Shah Jamal Alam (DSSE)
January 2021
Dr. Nahrain Al-Mousawi
February– 2024
Ms. Muneera Batool
January– 2024
Dr. Abdul Samad
August – 2023
Dr. Usman Salahuddin
February 2024
Dr. Muhammad Haris
January 2021
Dr. Nauman Naqvi
January 2022

The University Library Committee

The University committee advises the Library administration on its services, policies, programs and projects and keeps the faculty informed of proposed changes and developments in Library policies, procedures or collection development.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6
The University Library Committee
Dr. Shah Jamal Alam
September 2021
Dr. Shafayat Abrar
August 2021
Dr. Sameena Shah Zaman
January 2024
Ms. Haniya Habib
August 2021
Ms. Isma Gul
August 2021
Dr. Sahaab Badar Sheikh
September 2022
Mr. Nooruddin Merchant

Study Abroad Advisory Committee (SAAC)

The University committee which assists in the selection of students for programs operated by the Office for Global Engagement (OGE) and advises the Board of Faculty and the Academic Council on the implementation of new international and off-campus programs.

Chair Member 1 Member 2
Study Abroad Advisory Committee (SAAC)
Ms. Tatheer Hamdani Ms. Tajreen Midhat
February 2021
Dr. Humaira Jamshed
February 2021

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The University body that oversees and ensures that all research conducted at Habib University on living human subjects meets the highest standards of ethical conduct regardless of whether that research is conducted by students or faculty.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6 Member 7 Member 8
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Dr. Humaira Jamshed
Dr. Shafayat Abrar
August 2021
Dr.Muhammad Qasim Pasta
August 2022
Mr. Haseeb Sheikh
August 2021
Vacant Ms. Haniya Habib
August 2021
Dr. Coline Ferrant
August 2022
Dr. Faisal Alvi
August 2022
Ms. Ana Tawfiq Hussain
August 2022

University Grievance Committee (UGC)

The University committee which considers all complaints submitted by students, faculty or staff that either University lacks appropriate policies or has not followed its established policies and this failure has caused real harm to the complainant.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
University Grievance Committee (UGC)
Director HR and AO Dr. Waqar Saleem
August 2021
Dr.Tariq Kamal
August 2022

Faculty Committee on Professional Conduct (FCPC)

The Faculty committee authorized to act in all cases where questions concerning the professional conduct of individual members of the faculty have been raised.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
Faculty Committee on Professional Conduct (FCPC)
Mr. Yousuf Kerai
October – 2021
Vacant Dr. Aqdas Afzal
September 2021
Mr. Basharat Issa
August – 2022

The Program Board of Studies (PBoS)

A Faculty committee consisting of all full-time faculty members in each academic program that develop, review and revise the program’s academic curriculum before sending it to the School Board of Studies for further review.

Chair Member Chair Member
The Program Board of Studies (CND) Ms. Christie M. Lauder All CND faculty Members The Program Board of Studies (SDP) Dr. Sahaab Bader Sheikh All SDP faculty Members
The Program Board of Studies (CH) Dr. Muhammad Haris All CH faculty Members The Program Board of Studies (CS) Dr. Syeda Saleha Raza All CS faculty Members
The Program Board of Studies (iSciM) Dr. Aeyaz Jamil Kayani All ISciM faculty Members The Program Board of Studies (ECE) Dr. Muhammad Farhan All ECE faculty Members

The Board of Faculty (BOF)

A University committee that reviews all curricular changes and assessment programs to ensure that each academic program is of the highest quality and that robust systems of assessment and continuous quality enhancement are in place at the University.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
The Board of Faculty (BOF) Dean of Faculty All Associate Dean All Assistant Deans All Professors

The Academic Council (AC)

The University committee which fulfills all the functions assigned to it by the University’s Charter, receives and acts upon recommendations and proposals from the Board of Faculty. Also receives a report from the Dean of Faculty at least once per semester on the state of any pending accreditation reviews and acts upon the recommendations of the University Grievance Committee about proposed changes to the University’s policies and procedures.

Chair Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5
The Academic Council (AC) President Dean of Faculty All Associate Dean All Professors All Assistant Deans Cabinet Members attend with voice but not vote