Aspiration Statement
I am inclined towards the most creative fields of work, but publication design is where my passion truly lies. I look forward to becoming part of a team of creatives where learning from each other and creative synergy are prioritized.
Core Skills
- Adaptability
- Adobe Suite
- Canva
- Creativity
- Procreate
- Time Management
- Writing Skills
Academic Awards / Achievements
- High Achievers Award, Pearson Edexcel
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Design Team, HUMUN 2019
- Secretary and Vice President, Arts & Culture Club
- Vice President, Dream Stage
- Orientation Leader
- Design Team, Pride Press
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Social Media Management Team, Borderless
- Graphic Design Intern, Feeling Blessed
- Article Writer, Akhuwat Foundation
Publications / Creative Projects
- Arzu Antholgy Cover Art (front and back cover for Habib University’s literary publication)
- Logo designs for small businesses
- Artwork displayed at Andekhey
Final Year Project
Project Title
Rejected Bodies
I plan on creating a multimedia and interactive installation artwork that serves as an ode to nonhegemonic bodies. It aims to explore their experiences, share their stories, and provide insight into what it is like to live with bodily features or body types that society does not approve of.