Class of 2022
BS Electrical Engineering
Aspiration Statement
I want to work in the Aviation sector after pursing master's in Avionics.
Core Skills
- Python
- LaTex
- MATLAB & Simulink
- Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop (Basic)
- Operation of basic workshop machines for hardware
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Best Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering - Habib University'22
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Orientation Leader (August 2019)
- Photographer for various events (AD for multiple events)
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Intern - Allied Engineering & Services (Pvt) Ltd (June 2021 - July 2021)
- Intern - Allied Bank (Pvt) Ltd (July 2017)
Final Year Project
Project Title
DC-DC Bidirectional Converter Controller via FPGA
Project domain: Power Electronics Controlling a bidirectional converter for EV applications using FPGA. Aiming to publish a paper by the end of the project.