Aspiration Statement
I want to pursue my career in the field of data science, analysis, security and integrity. For graduate school, I wish to learn more about Big Data and Machine Learning and their applications in real life.
Core Skills
- Python
- C++
- C
- Research and Analysis
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- President, Young Leader's Club 2020
- Deputy Director Security, HUCon 2020
- Deputy Director PR, HUMUN 2019
- Managed Pinktober Bake Sale Fundraiser 2018
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Associate Software Engineer - 10Pearls (Jun 2022 - Present)
- Content Writer - Upwork (Apr 2020 - Jul 2022)
- Freelance Content Writer — KaamLab (July 2021— January 2022)
- Attended ISP at Osaka University in 2021 (Virtual)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Mycelium Network Optimization in the Context of Karachi's Networks
This is a novel research area of sorts. It focuses on fungi and their mycelium and analyzes the networks that are made by mycelium. We know that nature is the best example of networking and discipline that we can follow. This project follows mycelium in the presence of certain constraints to see the behaviour it would exhibit. We will then use this data to create our mathematical model of a network which will be connected to Karachi's transport network. This allows us to optimize Karachi's road network using mycelium and gives us the best possible routing plan for planning successful networking and transport in the city. The project involves biological experiments, mathematical analysis, graph building and software development for a final prototype.