Aspiration Statement
I would like to spend a year or two in the industry and explore options that interest me. After that I plan to do my postgraduate studies in the same. I am also looking forward to building my own tech-based start up in the future.
Core Skills
- Python
- C++
- Computer Aided Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- HUMUN II - Deputy Director of Security
Internship / Volunteer Work
- JobDiva - Software Developer
- Lambda Theta - Software Developer
- S.Moinuddin & Sons - Intern
Final Year Project
Project Title
Tripp: A Smart Way to Trave
The deplorable condition of Karachi’s public transport is not new to anyone. Problems such as mugging, inappropriate behavior, harassment, tardiness, unregulated engines and absence of maintenance mar the public transport system. Although entrepreneurial ventures have attempted to tackle the problem, and some have succeeded to a certain extent, there is still a large gap between user requirements and market availability. Tripp proposes a decentralized electric bike-sharing system to tackle the inefficient and non-eco-friendly public transportation system in Karachi. This project attempts to introduce electric bikes in Karachi through a shared decentralized network that allows individualized rides through bike renting. Not only is this system significantly cheaper than comparable existing solutions but it also runs on 100%renewable energy, positively contributing to Karachi’s air quality index. Moreover, it would also popularize the concept of gender-neutral cycling in Pakistan.