Class of 2021
BS Electrical Engineering
Minor: Physics
Aspiration Statement
I want to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a researcher in the field of Cosmology and/or Particle physics. Immediately after my graduation, I plan on doing a master’s in astrophysics.
Core Skills
- Python
- C++
- C
- Matlab and Matlab Simulink
- Comsol Multiphysics Software
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - MS Physics
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- HU's orchestra - August 2018
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Systematik Data Consulting - Analytics Engineer
- Duke AI - Software Developer
- Private Tutor
Publications / Creative Projects
- Deep Learning based Inverse Design of Integrated Silicon Nanophotonic Grating: Research paper published in CLEO 2021
Final Year Project
Project Title
Artificial Neural Network & Deep Learning-based Design of Nanophotonic Structures'
To extract detailed information regarding the role of nanophotonic design parameters in determining the output response of nanophotonic structures and to provide an intuitive understanding of the physics involved without imposing severe computational complexity.