Aspiration Statement
I am inclined towards administering, leading and planning various company projects. I also want to pursue my MBA in supply chain 's both make & non-make functions. My other passions include public speaking, story-telling, travelling and world history.
Core Skills
- Qualitative Research Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Strategic Planning
- Design Thinking
- Excel & MATLAB
- Python
- C++
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Awarded by the President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi and twice chosen to represent Pakistan in front of H.M The Queen of Great Britain in regards to the International Public Speaking Competition
- President, Habib University Debate Union
- President, Habib University Sustainability Club
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Winner of 21 national & local debate contests
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Intern, Supply Chain - Unilever (June 2021 - August 2021)
- Brand Ambassador, Strategy Department - TPL Insurance (March 2021 - July 2021)
- Intern, Electrical Division - Amreli Steels (June 2019 - July 2019)
- Course Designer & Lead Instructor, SPLASH Program - Habib University (June 2019 - July 2019)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Effects of Electric Vehicle Penetration on a Distribution Network in Pakistan
The project is about analyzing the effects of EV penetration on a distribution network in Karachi. According to the current government's policy from 2021, 90% of all vehicle sales in Pakistan in 2040 are supposed to be EVs. Now, given that EVs have a great deal of sustainable benefits attached with them it is crucial to understand the criticalities that accompany them. With the penetration of EVs at the very rate that the policy suggests, there would be a significant surge in the electricity demand and Karachi's distribution network alone will be overburdened with excess electricity demand that the supply cannot meet in presence of a frail grid infrastructure. So, our team is designing a load flow model to analyze and simulate Karachi's certain distribution network, gauging distribution grid and equipment load stress due to EVs, the analysis of which would allow drafting of a sustainable demand management policy.