Syed Affan Aslam

Syed Affan Aslam

Syed Affan Aslam

Class of 2018
BS Computer Science

Core Skills

  • Software Development
  • Project Management
  • Microsoft Excel
  • SQL
  • Python

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean’s List, Spring 2017
  • Merit Scholarship, May 2014 - May 2018


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Poster Presentation, Quantum Information Processing (QIP) Conference 2018, in Delft, Netherlands, Jan 2018, and in Banff, Canada, Jan 2016
  • Presentation, Global Digital Humanities Symposium Michigan State University, Feb 2018
  • Research Visit at University of Latvia, Riga, Jan 2018 – Feb 2018

Final Year Project

Project Title

Bounds of Description Complexity of Quantum Finite Automata Using Communication Complexity Techniques


Suppose that some information is distributed uniformly between n people and they do not have access to each other’s information. Their collective goal is to make some decisions based on the shared information. One easy way would be to transmit all the information to the n-th person and he/she makes the decision. While this would allow the decision to be taken perfectly, it would require all the information to be transmitted once, which is costly. In their capstone project, Amin and Affan explore how we can reduce the amount of information being transmitted and the probability of making a correct decision based on partial information. This is a joint project with Amin Shiraz Gilani.

Project Pictures