Sumair Nizamuddin

Sumair Nizamuddin

Class of 2018
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy

Core Skills

  • Research
  • Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word
  • Community Outreach
  • Creative Writing
  • Analysis

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • High Academic Achievment Scholarship, Jan 2016 - Dec 2017
  • President’s List, 2017


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Presenter, Fourth International Women Empowerment Conference, Dec 2017
  • Habib Feminist Collective, Student Lead, Aug 2016 - May 2017

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • ARZU Center, Teaching Assistant, Sept 2017 - Dec 2017
  • Writing Center, Writing Tutor, Aug 2017 - April 2018

Final Year Project

Project Title

The Unconstitutional Legal Injustices under Zia’s Regime: The Zina Ordinance in the Light of Critical Hermeneutics of the Quran


My thesis seeks to examine the gender-based implications of the Zina Ordinance, particularly sexism and misogyny. I study the political implications of the Zina Ordinance in terms of its constitutionality through a multi-method approach, which includes accounting for case law analysis, a critical review of the Islamic text, media coverage of public opinions, and public sector mobilization.

Project Pictures