Class of 2021
BS Electrical Engineering

Aspiration Statement

I decided to become an electrical engineer is because of the platform it gives me to make a difference. Society's dependence on electricity makes electrical engineering that much more special. Regardless of it being big or small, electrical engineering is a platform for myself to help and positively impact other lives.

Core Skills

  • Programming Languages
  • CAD
  • Project Mangement
  • FPGA, Arduino
  • PLC


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Habib Football and Futsal Team - Member
  • Sports Club - Member
  • HUMUN ’17, TEDxHU’17, Code.Play(), OMICRON ’17 and HUCon ’18 - Organizer

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • K-Electric - Graduate Trainee
  • Khan Associates - Intern

Final Year Project

Project Title

Control and Operation of Renewable Integrated Grid/Microgrid Connected Power Inverters


The world is increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of fossil fuels, communities and businesses seek reliable, sustainable alternatives to carbon-emitting sources. This is now a crucial consideration in emerging markets, where demand for power places a great burden on the environment. The use of renewable energy like solar and wind, will see a reduction in power losses over long-distance transmission lines, and lower initial investments required to lay these lines. These isolated systems can be connected to AC power distribution networks and can act as a distributed AC source to provide alternative power to the existing network. This concept lies in the foundation for the realization of a distributed power AC microgrid. Essentially a small-scale power network with local electrical systems operating effectively with or without a connection to a central grid. Microgrids incorporate on-site renewable energy sources like wind and solar; and customized battery storage systems and help communities reduce/eliminate fossil-fuel consumption.