Aspiration Statement
I want to pursue a masters in Political Science with a specialization in International Relations and Security and focus my research on the impact of religious and social movements on the relations between countries from the West and the Global South. My hobbies include music and travelling.
Core Skills
- Policy Analysis
- Survey Design
- Data Collection and Management
- Policy Memo and Briefs
- Training & Development
- Research and Data Analysis
- Stata
- Microsoft Office
- Power BI
- Strong Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Syracuse University - Maxwell School - MA International Relations | Concentration: Peace, Security & Conflict
- Habib University, President’s List for the year 2018 and 2019
- Dean’s List Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018 & Fall 2017
- Recipient of High Academic Achievement Award- Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Spring 2018 & Fall 2017
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Syracuse University - National Security Student Association member
- Syracuse University - Graduate Student Organization member
- HU Funding Committee - Chairperson
- HU Student Senate - Member
Internship / Volunteer Work
- International Tax & Investment Centre, Washington - Program Associate | Energy, Growth & Security Program
- International Law Institute - Programs Intern
- Syracuse University - Graduate Research Assistant
- Legal Aid Society - Program Delivery Associate
- Ticket Wala - Web Content Writer
- Habib University – Teaching Assistant - Political Economy of Development
- Pathfinder International – Communications Intern
- DAWN.com - Blogs Desk Intern
- Charter for Compassion - Intern for HUMKADAM Project
Publications / Creative Projects
- Work-Life Dynamics of Pathan Rickshaw Drivers in Karachi: Paper presented at the Second IBA Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (2018).
- Healthcare of Female Inmates in Karachi. (Co-authored)
- Sacred Geographies of LasBela-Studying the Dual Religion-Politico Authority of the City.
Final Year Project
Project Title
Music in Weddings; A Mini-Ethnographic Study on Young Dholis in Karachi Music in Weddings; A Mini-Ethnographic Study on Young Dholis in Karachi
This paper studies how the musical traditions of young dholis in Karachi are manifested in the context of weddings. Guided by the theoretical approaches of Ethnomusicology and Marxist Musicology and grounded in the qualitative research approach, it adopts the mini-ethnographic research design to explore how this marginalized music community is impacted by the changing trends in the use of music at weddings. Furthermore, it seeks to understand the role class plays in the sort of business opportunities presented to them. A novel research in the context of Pakistan, the study aims to understand the impact of urban transformations pertaining to the wedding industry on the socioeconomic standing of young dholis.