Sameer Pervez

Sameer Pervez

Class of 2023
BS Computer Science

Aspiration Statement

I love both design and computer science equally and wish to pursue a career as a UI/UX designer and front-end developer.

Core Skills

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • C++
  • Creativity
  • Design Thinking
  • Figma
  • Problem Solving
  • Python

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean's List, Fall 2022
  • President's List, 2021
  • Dean's List, Fall 2021
  • Dean's List, Spring 2021


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Deputy Design, Atomos Event
  • Design Team Member, Groove'22 Event
  • PR Team Member, CSEC Club

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Teacher Assistant, Object Oriented Programming, Habib University (August 2022 – December 2022)

Final Year Project

Project Title

PLSP - Lifesavers


Cardiac arrest and excessive bleeding are some of the most prevalent causes of death in Pakistan. The Pakistan Life Savers Program (PLSP) is a youth empowerment project that aims to train ten million Pakistani citizens in basic life-saving skills such as CPR and bleeding control. However, currently, the PLSP program lacks a method to bridge the gap between those in need of first aid and the lifesavers nearby. In collaboration with Aga Khan University, we have undertaken a project to mobilize lifesavers to the location of an emergency in their neighborhood using a mobile application. The application will serve as a communication channel between help-seekers and PLSP-trained lifesavers, allowing them to notify and alert nearby lifesavers, track their location, and receive prompt help.