Class of 2021
BA (Honors) Communication & Design
Minor: Comparative Literature

Aspiration Statement

My aim is to gain work experience and really understand where I can apply myself best. I have a passion for storytelling through writing, editing, film making, and animation. As a career choice, I am most inclined towards video editing and animation.

Core Skills

  • Writing Skills in English
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Animation Skills using Pencil 2D, Opentoonz and AfterEffects
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • HU Merit Scholarship


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Member of Pride Press: On the editorial team for Kashf Magazine (2019)

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Sensei Content - Content Editor
  • Vcast Online - Video Editor

Publications / Creative Projects

  • Short fiction piece published in the Habib Journal, Purple Ink Review (2020)

Final Year Project

Project Title



This project began when I started researching on the phenomenon of the imaginary friend and childhood play. The main aim of this project was to depict imaginary companions for what they are, a healthy mechanism, and to remove it from the stigma it has faced from being displayed negatively in a lot of pop culture. I also wanted this story to be a subtle narrative on motherhood, growing up and letting go. Other than this, the project also served a personal aim of mine, which was to challenge myself and test my capability to learn 2D animation and tell a compelling story through it to the best of my ability.