Class of 2020
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy
Aspiration Statement
I am interested in studying international relations, globalization, political science or development for my postgraduate studies. Career-wise, I am inclined to work with development organizations or work as a researcher for any organization in the development sector. I am passionate to work in the fields of oral history/art.
Core Skills
- Good Writing Skills in English and Urdu
- Qualitative Research Skills
- Quantitative Research Skills
- Workshop Facilitator
- Critical and Design Thinking
Academic Awards / Achievements
- The University of Sheffield - Masters in Politics, Governance & Public Policy
- HU TOPS 100% Scholarship
- Attended a Summer semester at UC Berkeley 2019, USA
- Attended HPAIR (Harvard Project for Asian International Relations) Conference in 2018
- 2nd Position in Deloitte Business Pitch Competition at Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations 2018.
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Habib Art Society - Co-Founder and Vice President
- Harvard University South Asian Institute (LMSAI) - Senior Ambassador
- KAVISH – Habib University - Secretary
Internship / Volunteer Work
- The Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture [ICCIA] - Business Development Analyst
- Hadaf Pakistan - Cofounder
- The University of Sheffield - Race, Equality & Decolonization Intern
- The Citizens Archive - Intern
- Hult Prize Foundation - Campus Director
- Habib University Gazette - Senior Reporter
- Alamgir Welfare Trust - Intern
Final Year Project
Project Title
Child Marriages in Pakistan
I conducted research on child marriages and the stances of politicians and communities on the issue, which helped me see how conservative ideologies are a vital issue due to which policies regarding child marriages are rarely implemented.