Aspiration Statement
I am inclined towards technical research and development and also want to pursue my postgraduate studies in Power sector that is focused on energy and how to use it efficiently. My other passions include travelling, coding, reading books.
Core Skills
- C++
- Python
- Excel
- Adobe Photoshop
- Research Skills
Academic Awards / Achievements
- 4.0 GPA Final Semester 2021
- Awarded Excellence Award in college
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Managing Registration Department in TedX Habib
- House Captain in School
- Social Welfare Organization in college
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Senior Associate Instructional Designer - Alt Academy (Sep 2022 - Present)
- Creative Intern, Marketing and Communications - Habib University
- Capstone Assistant, Department of Computer Sciences - Habib Univeristy
Publications / Creative Projects
- Line following robot using Arduino
- Designed a game (Object Oriented Programming using C++)
- Obstacle avoiding robot using Arduino
- Trainer Boards (Verilog and FPGA)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Effects of Electric Vehicle Penetration on a Distribution Grid in Pakistan
The project is about analyzing the effects of EV penetration on a distribution network in Karachi. EVs are the foreseeable future and have a great deal of sustainable benefits attached with them, however, it is crucial to understand the cons that accompany them. With the infiltration of EVs at the very rate, there would be a significant surge in the electricity demand and though Pakistan has excess electricity but to no avail. Karachi's distribution network alone will be overburdened with excess electricity demand that the supply cannot meet in presence of a frail grid infrastructure. Our project includes designing a load flow model and analyzing Karachi's certain distribution network, gauging distribution grid and equipment load stress due to EVs, to finally suggest a sustainable demand management policy. Our analysis on Karachi's distribution model would then determine the effect on critical distribution components and for policy recommendation.