Aspiration Statement
My career aspirations lie in data sciences and product management. With my skillset in data sciences, machine learning, computational intelligence & Python, I believe I can provide valuable insights and take data-driven decisions for the company I would be working for.
Core Skills
- Python
- C++, C#
- Visual Basic
- SDL 2
- Verilog
- UI/UX Design
- Data Processing, Data Mining, Exploratory Data Analysis
- Machine Learning
- Evolutionary Algorithms & Genetic Algorithms
- Swarm Intelligence
- Re-enforcement Learning
- Fuzzy Logic
- Familiar with Agile Methodologies
Academic Awards / Achievements
- 80% 4-Year Academic Scholarship — Habib University
- 100% Scholarship, Cedar College
- Habib University Meritorious Award Winner
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Google Developer Student Club (August 2021)
- Google Project Lead #lamRemarkable (November 2020)
- President of the Natural Science Club (NSC) (April 2020 — April 2021)
- Secretary, Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) (February 2019 — February 2020)
- President, Council of Research and Development in Sciences (CoRDS) (May 2017 — February 2018)
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Data Analyst | Strategy & Planning - Daraz (Aug 2022 - Present)
- Global Program Analyst — Swvl (January 2022 — March 2022)
- Project Manager - Captain App Adoption — Swvl (October 2021 — December 2021)
- Experience Team - Automation & Data Analyst Intern — Swvl (August 2021 — October 2021)
- Intern — Afiniti (July 2020 — August 2020)
- Grace Hopper Conference 2021 Scholarship
- ASM Microbe Conference 2020 Program (Our abstract/research paper got selected for the poster presentation at ASM Microbe Conference 2020
Publications / Creative Projects
- Retail Data Analysis — gathered insights for a retail company and aided them in identifying trends of increment/decrement and executed a market basket analysis
- MUAI Evolutionary Algorithms Project for solving maximum clique problem — executed a python-based project that used a genetic algorithm for optimizing a max clique problem
- Mortality Rate Data Analysis in underdeveloped and developed countries — Learned data analysis through Python, Matplotlib, NumPy, Pandas, scikit and visualized the results using tableau
- Captain App Adoption Data Analysis — Successfully interpreted Swvl's Captains database and aided the company with its strategic planning by providing insights on correlations, key metrics, and trends
- SQL Database Systems project Blood nation — A C# desktop-based application for a thalassemia center that keeps track of the blood donors and recipients' information. Learned C# to make a form, SQL for querying data for this project, and better hands-on SSIS
Final Year Project
Project Title
A Knowledge Engineering-based Financial Assistant on WhatsApp
Our final year project is an expert system developed using knowledge engineering to help with the financial inclusion of local women. The financial gender gap in Pakistan is the second widest in the world. It should also be noted that lack of financial literacy makes women susceptible to financial abuse which is a form of domestic abuse. Our goal is to increase female participation in financial decisions through our agent which will be able to simulate the behavior of a financial advisor. Financial literacy concepts are engineered in a form of ontology so that the computer is able to query through them. Ontology is a representation of real-world knowledge using entities, instances, objects, and relationships. The knowledge graph (ontology) is then integrated with the RASA framework through which communication is made possible with the end-user. The final expert agent is then deployed on WhatsApp.