Muzammil Abbasi

Muzammil Abbasi

Class of 2019
BS Electrical Engineering
Minor: Computer Science
Minor: Physics

Aspiration Statement

My passion is studying in the field of astroparticle physics. Given my educational background, I have the flexibility to explore particle physics and computational physics for my graduate studies which would include exploring new ideas and research.

Core Skills

  • Scrum
  • Product Development
  • Agile Project Management
  • Microsoft Office
  • LaTeX
  • C++
  • Python
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Machine Learning


Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Cloud Primero - Project Manager [May 2022 - Present]
  • LUMS - Research Assistant [Jan 2021 - Sep 2021]
  • Habib University - Adjunct Faculty Instructor [Jan 2021 - Jun 2021]

Final Year Project

Project Title

Muon Detector


Muon Detector combines all three areas of study; Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics. The muon is an electron-like particle that travels at almost the speed of light and has an average lifetime of around 2.2us. Muon tomography is building a 3D model of an object using muons as the source, just like an X-Ray, but more powerful and safe. Muons are also being used to study the composition and dynamics of our climate. This project is in collaboration with the physics lab of Lahore University of Management Sciences. I have worked under the supervision of Dr. Sabieh Anwar. LUMS physics lab already has a muon detector, but was a prototype built on old and expensive technology. My task was to engineer it to modern, cheap, and compact silicon-based technology using Filed Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). This improved the precision, quality, and reliability of the results.

Project Pictures