Aspiration Statement
I want to work as a filmmaker and director, while also pursuing a writing career. While I also have a strong interest in theatre, photography and graphic design, I want to function within the creative side of things, no matter where I work or what I do.
Core Skills
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom
- Photography
- Product Support
- Social Media
- Communication Skills
- Filmmaking
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Omicron - Deputy Head of Media
- Habib University - Batch of CND 2020 - Student Government Senator
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Technado (Pvt) Ltd. - Senior Account Manager
- US Mobile - Operations Analyst
- TDP - The Digital Partnership - Designer | Content Developer
- Vidhi Films - Intern
- Habib University - Department of Marketing & Communication - Content Writer, Designer, Coordinator
- Habib University - Instructor at HU Splash - Teacher - Course Developer
Final Year Project
Project Title
A Memoir of Color: Unveiling Skin Color Bias in the Twenty First Century
My thesis takes an in depth look at the issue of colorism in South Asian cultures, predominantly Pakistan. In this project we have focused primarily on middle class women, living in Karachi, between the ages of 18 to 30. The project takes a narrative route, focusing on qualitative research from these interviews and attempts to materialize colorism in a human fashion, as a general but instinctively unique experience. The project itself consists of an academic paper, designed as a digital artist’s book, and a board game that is designed to create empathy and educate individuals who might engage in, but are ignorant to the traumatic experience of colorism. (Group Project)