Aspiration Statement
I want to pursue a career in journalism, focusing on the social issues that exist in our society. I also want to focus on photojournalism as photography is one of my main interests as well.
Core Skills
- DSLR Photography
- Photo editing
- Video editing
- Content Writing & editing
- MS Office
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Fandom Representative for Multiverse Club at Habib from Sept 2021 onwards
- Radio Show Co-Host at Runway Radio by Habib from Sept 2020 to Apr 2021
- Content Team Member for HUCON by Habib in 2020
- Head of Editorial Team in 2020 for Gazette by PridePress Club at Habib
- Communications and Outreach Associate for 'Tasawwur' journal by Tezhib by Habib
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Assistant Multimedia Producer - Dawn.com
- Design Intern — Ra'ana Liaquat Craftsmen Colony (RLCC) - (December 2020 — January 2021)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Designed product catalogue for RLCC during internship
Final Year Project
Project Title
Home Away from Home for the Youth in Karachi
My research aims to explore the meaning of home for the youth (aged 18-30 years) of Karachi, Pakistan. It will find out the places where they feel at home other than their place of residence and inquire about the emotional and physical elements that make them feel that way. By using qualitative research method of in-depth interviews, it was found that a majority of these places comprise of academic institutions, and also include relatives’ and friends’ homes, places of interest, and workplaces. The emotional elements of comfort, freedom of self-expression, safety, relaxation, and connections (among others) make people feel at home at these places. The research led to the conclusion that home is not just a physical space but rather a feeling that can be felt anywhere given the relevant home-like qualities are present.