Muhammad Zaeem Baig
Aspiration Statement
As an electrical engineer with a keen interest in designing and debugging high-power systems, I aspire to pursue a professional career with a reputable organization that exposes me to a futuristic and innovative approach to solving existing problems.
Core Skills
- C++
- Communication Skills
- Python
- Team Player
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Engineering Intern, Alkaram Textile Pvt. Ltd. (September 2021 – September 2021)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern State Estimation Techniques
I conducted research on the distribution of noisy sensor data and its impact on autonomous vehicle performance. I found that the distribution, often banana-shaped in Euclidean space, can be transformed into a bell-shaped, Gaussian-like distribution in exponential coordinates. This transformation led to improved results when using the extended Kalman filter for state estimation. Currently, I am simulating a differential drive robot with non-holonomic constraints to compare the performance of the extended Kalman filter in both Euclidean and exponential coordinate systems.