Aspiration Statement
I am an avid systems programming enthusiast, with a focus on how modern systems work under the hood. I want to pursue a career focused on developing such state-of-the art systems, as the design challenge is something that's worth solving.
Core Skills
- C/C++
- Python
- Microsoft
- Azure
- Verilog
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Habib Excellence Scholarship (2018 - 2022)
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Member, Academic Affairs Committee (2021)
- Vice President, Natural Science Club (2021)
- Organizing Committee PyCon (2019)
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Full Stack SSoftware Engineer - CreditBook (Jun 2022 - Present)
- Customer Operations Intern — Foodpanda (July 2021 — September 2021)
- TA for Operating Systems — Habib University (September 2021 — December 2021)
- TA, Computer Architecture — Habib University (January 2021— May 2021)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Research paper on Genetic Algorithms accepted for publication in the ISMSI 2022 Conference
Final Year Project
Project Title
Project Fabricate
The project aims to tackle the local textile industry in its application, where historically the industry has been solely dependent on human designers to create fabric prints. To help automate this process, our project uses deep learning techniques to generate patterns from an input sketch given by the designer, and in return provides a fully coloured and styled pattern. There has been little research conducted in the domain of sketch augmentation or textile pattern generation in computer science, and this project explores the application of modern machine learning techniques to solve these problems. The final version of the project would allow designers to include this application as a tool in their design process, accelerating the task of manually creating and designing patterns from scratch. This application would have a significant impact on the local industry, given Pakistan's cultural heritage and its manifestation in the form of textiles.