Aspiration Statement
I wish to pursue postgraduate studies in sociology or philosophy. I am deeply concerned about issues of justice. I am ambitious in working towards positive societal change and likewise need a similar environment to flourish. I am inclined to opt for a career that focuses on technical research within the development.
Core Skills
- Qualitative and Quantitative Research
- Communication Skills (Written and Oral in English)
- Strategic Planning
- Python (Intermediate) and C++ (beginner)
- MS Office
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Khel - Recreational Center - Internship
- Prometheus Gaming - Co-founder
- Midway General Hospital - General Assistant Manager and Technical Assistant
Final Year Project
Project Title
Utilitarianism, Kantianism and Justice as Fairness: Implications for Social Development and Policy
This research is meant to provide a brief literature review of Utilitarianism, Kantianism and Rawl's theory of justice as fairness. This will be used to address social development and policy matters such as distributive justice. For example, assessing the ethical validity of policy initiatives such as the BISP (Benazir Income support Program) through different classical frameworks. (This research and its direction are subject to change)