Aspiration Statement
I want to work in either supply chain management or in the field of Al. On building my career, I will mostly be going towards technical robotics or data sciences as I believe my interest lies there.
Core Skills
- C++
- Python Programming
- Robot Operating System
- Al (Artificial Intelligence)
- Image Processing
- Supply Chain Management
- Engineering Project Management
- Cybersecurity
- Computer Aided Engineering
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- TA, Principles of Feedback Control
- TA, Computer Vision
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Full Stack Engineer - CreditBook
- Research Staff Member - Zaaviaa Solutions (February 2021 - June 2022)
- Information Security Internee - HBL (June 2021 - July 2021)
- Engineering Internee Toyota - Hyderabad Motors (June 2019 - August 2019)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Mitigating the zero biased steering angles in Simulator Datasets: Research Paper on Computer Vision conference of VISAPP in 2022
Final Year Project
Project Title
AMAL - Autonomous Delivery Robot
The primary objective is to build an automated delivery system based on the industry 4.0 paradigm, with the motivation of helping small businesses and societies. Our long-term goal is to not only use this framework for food delivery in indoor spaces but to also serve society such as helping autistic children and in hospitals for indoor delivery of medicine. Its research domain mostly includes ROS, Al, Image Processing, Mobile Robot Kinematic and Dynamic Modelling, Feedback Control, Microcontrollers, Power Systems.